People are having some really undesirable side effects from these vaccine trials. Checkout this full article, “Coronavirus vaccine trial participants report day-long exhaustion, fever and headaches — but say it’s worth it”
“Luke Hutchison woke up in the middle of the night with chills and a fever after taking the Covid-19 booster shot in Modern’s vaccine trial. Another coronavirus vaccine trial participant, testing Pfizer’s candidate, similarly woke up with chills, shaking so hard he cracked a tooth after taking the second dose.” (Covidvaccinetrial)
“After getting the first shot on Aug. 18, he said he felt a little under the weather for several days with a low-grade fever. He got his second shot at a clinic on Sept. 15. Eight hours later, he said he was bed bound with a fever of over 101, shakes, chills, a pounding headache and shortness of breath. He said the pain in his arm, where he received the shot, felt like a “goose egg on my shoulder.” He hardly slept that night, recording that his temperature was higher than 100 degrees for five hours.” (Covidvaccinetrial)
“Another participant in Pfizer’s trial said he was up all night after the first shot from the pain of the injection. The booster injection he received caused more of that same pain in his arm, followed by intense flu-like symptoms that hit him around 1a.m. He couldn’t sleep that night without an electric blanket, and shook so hard that it became uncontrollable and he cracked part of his tooth from chattering them. ” (Covidvaccinetrial)
YIKES, sounds like some of the side effects could be worse than the average person getting Covid. Especially if many people who have it don’t even know they have it. If you get the vaccine, sounds like you sure will know. Everyone needs to make their own decision about whether or not they will want this vaccine.
Checkout this next article, What is transverse myelitis? The illness that halted AstraZeneca vaccine trial
“The COVID-19 vaccine participant whose unexpected illness put the AstraZeneca trials on pause came down with an inflammatory syndrome known as transverse myelitis, according to a report….The illness results in inflammation of both sides of the spinal cord, interfering with how messages are sent throughout the body and potentially causing paralysis, according to the Mayo Clinic.” (Transversemyelitis)
Finally, check this article out, “Yet Another UK COVID Vaccine Volunteer Suffers Brain Damage”
“Two people have fallen ill during the trials of AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine in the UK, the company’s internal papers revealed, and a source said they had both suffered from the same serious neurological disorder.” (VolunteerSuffersBrainDamage)