Autumn’s Story

I took her in for her 1year shots. Didn’t think anything of it. Didn’t even know what she was getting. But after her shots she cried horribly which was unlike her. The Dr. left us alone until she calmed down and after 10 minutes of her screaming her head off she suddenly stopped.

At first I was relieved until I looked at her face. She looked like a zombie, zoned out. Just not “there.” When the Dr. came in to release us I asked and he said, “Oh she’s lethargic.” I was like yeah that makes sense. But her lethargy never went away.

The next day I called her Dr. to tell him that she hasn’t walked or talked since her shots. “Sometimes the lethargy lasts a few days,” was his answer. I was skeptical but okay.

Then on day 5 she started having seizures. I called the Dr. because I knew it was the shots and the doc had the audacity to say it was normal and said a fever caused it; but she never ran a fever, I checked often.

She started walking on day 7 or 8, but she didn’t say another word or even recognize her name until her 3rd detox bath at 2½. She only knew 3 words when she was diagnosed with autism at 3½.

She’s still verbally equivalent to a 2 year old, at best, still not potty trained, still very delayed and she’s turning 6 in Jan. She’s making awesome progress though with her zeolite detox. I’m just blessed she’s still with me and healing. I have friends I grew up with that had lost their baby to vaccines. I couldn’t even begin to imagine that pain.

Submitted By: Autumn

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