Mariah’s Story

My daughter suffered a vaccine injury when she was just 11 months old.  I still get reminded of it EVERY year from Facebook. It’s not like I need another reminder. I see it every day with her eczema that sometimes covers her entire body, her achy joints; her bloated tummy and food allergies.

Doctors want you to think that this is normal it’s not. They are creating this!! She had a high fever a few hours after her vaccine and was a completely different child! She wouldn’t stop screaming and the next day she had a rash on her body that just never went away completely.

Her poor little bloated tummy

I took her in and they told me it was eczema and that it was “normal”. I even continued vaccinating her because I believed doctors and every single time it got worse!! It wasn’t until I was pregnant with Nixon that my eyes where opened. There is nothing normal about it— and it’s listed as an adverse reaction on vaccine inserts.

She suffers everyday. This last year we have made strides in her healing journey. We have detoxed and done elimination diets. She is less bloated, her skin is better, she doesn’t complain as much about her achy hands and feet and I truly believe we are on a the right path to the root of her problem.

Vaccines aren’t one size fits all, they aren’t properly tested, and can cause harm and even death. Read the inserts! Do your own research and don’t blindly trust that a doctor has done it for you!

Their curriculum is taught by big pharma! We need to make manufacturers liable for their product. My story is not as bad as it could have been and I’ve heard so many ones that are far worse but I believe no baby should have to suffer. #believemoms #believeparents #vaccineinjuryadvocate #vaccineskillandinjure #medicalfreedom #vaccineinjuryawareness

Shared By: Mariah S

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